Hello, from the new platform

Hello, from the new platform
Comparison Image of Hubble (Left) and JWST (rig

Hey friends 👋,

hello and welcome back to the Sunday Night Sky on a monday. This is just a test for the new post platform called ghost. I started to use Substack back in 2022 as a first way to write and blog online but since my social media accounts have grown by a lot and I always wanted to have my own website I thought why not give it a go. This site is far from finished but I would like to hear your opinion on the progress so far. Just send me a DM on Instagram or a E-Mail over victorthierlingbusiness@gmail.com and I will be happy to answer all of the Mails.

Since this is not the official episode of this newsletter I will share with you my 300th post on Instagram named "The story of the pillars of Creation".

I wish you all the best and see you on sunday ...👋


Victor Thierling (@observethecosmos)

The Story Of The Pillars Of Creation

Pillars Of Creation Optical View (Hubble)
Pillars Of Creation Optical View (Hubble)

“The pillars of Creation” became popular all around the world after the observations of the Hubble Space Telescope in the year 2015. At that time so many mysteries of these pillars couldn’t be solved since Hubble only investigated this astonishing object with it’s available optical instruments. Still it managed to bring a leap to modern astronomy capturing multi-coloured glow of gas clouds, wispy tendrils of dark cosmic dust, and the rust-coloured elephants’ trunks of the nebula’s famous pillars.

Pillars Of Creation Infrared View (Hubble)
Pillars Of Creation Infrared View (Hubble)

After Hubbles successful optical observation of the Pillars of creation in 2015 NASA successfully managed to add an infrared instrument to the space telescope allowing to capture the pillars once more but now with respect to infrared wavelengths. As a little spoiler to the James Webb Space Telescope we see how powerful infrared observations can bee since they can look through the gas clouds capturing more detailed on the stars behind.

Pillars Of Creation Infrared View (JWST)
Pillars Of Creation Infrared View (JWST)

Since the Hubble Space Telescope already was able to conclude astonishing results at both visible and infrared wavelengths the hole world was waiting for the observations from the James Webb Space Telescope, the most powerful telescope ever made. And on October 19, 2022 the telescope delivered the most detailed image of the pillars yet. After over seven years of observing this mythical star forming region researchers were able to conclude how it formed and developed since the power of the JWST was able to deliver incredible detailed scientific data.